Monday, February 4, 2013

Travelling on "The Ghan" - "Whistle-Stop Tours" - From Katherine - the Nitmiluk Gorge Cafe Cruise

From Katherine - the Nitmiluk Gorge Cafe Cruise
Approximately 3 hours including transfers. $89 adult, $76 child.

This tour includes a cruise through the First Gorge (with a commentary explaining significant aspects of local indigenous culture) and a short walk to some ancient indigenous rock paintings at the top of the First Gorge). Morning tea is also included.

The tour passed through the centre of Katherine and then its outskirts on the way to the Gorge. It was interesting to find out that, in addition to Darwin, Katherine had also been bombed by the Japanese during the Second World War.

The boat had a capacity of around 40 people seated at semi-circular tables so that everyone had a good view. As we travelled slowly up the Gorge our guide provided commentary on the landscape, plant and animal life and the legends of the local Jawoyn indigenous people. We saw one small freshwater crocodile just poking his snout above the water.

It was a beautiful vista, but the real highlight was being able to see some ancient indigenous rock paintings at the end of the first part of the Gorge (where the boat could travel no further due to natural rock barriers). There were recognisable animal shapes and handprints, and our guide explained that some of the artwork was clearly interpretative of the legends of the Dreamtime.

It was fearfully hot and humid whilst on the boat and standing around looking at the rock art and the greater percentage of my clothing was soaked through with perspiration by the end of it. Our guide on the boat warned everyone at the start about heat exhaustion, and there was a bottomless supply of cool drinking water available during the cruise (in addition to hot drinks and scones with jam and cream). It was nice to have a shower and a change of clothes when we got back to the train.

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